Prior to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Hillman talked with L. David Marquet, a top graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and commander of the nuclear-powered fast-attack submarine USS Santa Fe from 1999 to 2001. As commander, he transformed the sub from “worst to first,” and achieved the highest retention and operational standings in the navy. In this interview, David discusses his realisation that the traditional leadership approach of “take control, give orders,” wouldn’t work. He “turned his ship around” by treating the crew as leaders, not followers, and giving control, not taking control.
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Dr. Hillman talks with Dr. Charlotte Roberts about navigating and embracing change and uncertainty in the world. Charlotte offers some great insights and practical tips on how we can navigate through this turbulent time.
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Dr. Hillman talks with John Spence, one of the top 100 business thought leaders in America. In this interview, John talks about his interesting path through the education system, his work with global executives, and his thoughts on leadership and navigating the ever-changing business world. The interview was conducted prior to COVID, so many of the points discussed are more pertinent now than ever before.
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